
Welcome to my elective blog. Based on my work done over six month in 2011 I elected to work on a project with children. I was commissioned by The Children's Radio Foundation to put together a few packages for two of their show. I then went about producing four packages over a number of weeks. Two packages were aired on a show about literacy and another two on a show about heritage.

My work can be found on Children's Radio Foundation blog site.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Learning to learn

For the past two weeks I’ve been working on two packages for the Heritage day show for the Children’s Radio Foundation. It seems like things always go a little pear shaped when it comes to getting my stories but I had such fun getting to know the two young ladies I worked with that the trouble was all worth it.

Lihle Skeyi stands outside the Albany Museum after her tour inside the building.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Heard on the radio

This week has been a slow week for me. I spent most of it editing the two packages I’ve been working on for the literacy show. It’s all come to an end with the interviewing last week, but I think that through listening through all the interviews again and editing, I’ve actually realised how much I’ve learned from both interviews.